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    Главная » 2015 » Май » 21 » Song Of The Soul Vol 11 (2015)
    Song Of The Soul Vol 11 (2015)

    Категория: Unmixed
    Исполнитель: VA
    Название: Song Of The Soul Vol 11
    Страна: UK
    Лейбл: VA-Album Rec.
    Жанр музыки: Relax, Chillout, Longe
    Дата релиза: 2015
    Количество композиций: 100
    Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs
    Продолжительность: 08:30:04
    Размер: 1170 mb (+3%)

    Список композиций:
    01. Soundset City - Come with Me (Deep Lounge Cut)
    02. Schwarz & Funk - Chilly Vanilly
    03. Danny Hay - Pouring Rain - Winter Sunset Mix
    04. Relaxraum - Spirit of Love
    05. Lemongrass - Supergalactic
    06. Tim Utfeld - Dawn of Hope
    07. Starchillaz - Kiss the Night - No Coldplay in the Bedroom Mix
    08. Lounge oo Lounge - Sunset
    09. Jean Mare - To the Balearic and Back (Lounge Flight Mix)
    10. Soulfultrance the real producers - Old Times
    11. Aqualise - Sonar - Acoustic Epic Mix
    12. Jon Turner - In My Eyes
    13. Champ Ese Groove - Love Set
    14. Chill Dabassgo - The Awakening of the Sun
    15. Lemonjazz - Close Your Eyes - Erotic Sunset to Sunrise Mix
    16. Tim Besamusca - Evening Breeze - Chillout Mix
    17. Bernon - Into the Blue (Vocal Guitar Del Mar Mix)
    18. Armando Gomez - Victoria Space
    19. Alwyn O'Kelly - Defected Label - New York Chill Edit
    20. Alex Picciafuochi - Last Goodbye
    21. Digital Rain - Masquerade
    22. Night Loungers - A Little Lazy Morning in Paris - French Kiss Vocal Mix
    23. Artenovum - Elibra (Deep Emotion Mix)
    24. Baldwin Gonzalez - Lia - Chilling Edit
    25. Bb Flat - So Smooth
    26. Michael E - Monsoon
    27. For Found Future - A Grand Texture (Piano String Chillout Mix)
    28. Basil Murray - Ascultam Vorbe - New York Chil Mix
    29. Five Seasons - Heaven
    30. Kamasutra Groovers - Erotic Love Night - Deep Inside Mix
    31. Oliver Schlolaut - I Will Never Break Your Heart (Vocal Ballade Mix)
    32. Boyce Peters - Full Time - Chill Edit
    33. Burning Lipps - Near or Far - Erotic Beach Love Mix
    34. Niestolik - Afterhours
    35. Richard Bonnee - Frost Point Zero (Deep Space Groove Mix)
    36. Al Murphy - Drop A Bomb On Me - Original Chill Mix
    37. Soleil Fisher - Fast and Slow
    38. Yantra Mantra - Ascension Into Heaven - Chandini Mix
    39. Jean Mare - Gate to Aurora (From East to West Electronic Mix)
    40. Cedrik Zimmermann - Monday Is Sunday
    41. Braiden Allen - I Like It Like That - Original Chill Mix
    42. S.O.G. - Masquerade Show - French Mix
    43. Sinatic - Gates of Heaven
    44. Lebensart - Die Leichtigkeit des Seins (Klangteppich Mix)
    45. Aural Ecstasy - Forbidden Desires - Naughty Rnb Stimulation Mix
    46. Cole Nelson - Zoz - Chilling Mix
    47. Maciej Labuda - Into the Wild
    48. Nightview - Reaching Out (Trap Chillout Mix)
    49. Blonde Lounge - Trash
    50. Lounge Vargos - Feeling Love
    51. Project Blue Sun - El Sonido Del Mar
    52. Soundset City - From Bar to Bar (Cafe Lounge Groove Mix)
    53. Alexandre Krown - Your Touch - Leopard Lounge Mix
    54. Smooth Rebel - Turn Out the Light - Secret Love Mix
    55. Yantra Mantra - Ganganagar
    56. Dream Project - Come Back (Vocal Chillout Mix)
    57. Arnold Harris - No Reference - Chill Radio Edit
    58. Hirudo - Loosing Control - Instrumental Mix
    59. Lemongrass - Cosmic Horizons
    60. Artenovum - Francesca (Mystic Dream Mix)
    61. Bennett Robinson - Mister Key - Super Chil Edit
    62. Royspop - Really Big - Instrumental Mix
    63. Smooth Deluxe - My Sunny Day
    64. Wallenski - Herbst
    65. Beach Solaire - Autentico
    66. S.W. - Everything Will Be Perfect
    67. Two Heroes - Dream of Something Sweet - Chillin Guitar Mix
    68. Pascheba - Upsunup
    69. Chad Peeters - My My My Love - Chilling Edit
    70. Shadi Fares - Champagne Beach
    71. Sweet Velvet - Sin City - Seductive Mix
    72. Nightzoom - Crunchtime Lounge (Cool Downtown Mix)
    73. Aqualise - Nightwaves
    74. Bilitis - Air - Love 2 Lounge Mix
    75. Craig Carter - The Breeze - Sunrise Chill Mix
    76. Jean Mare - Down to Underground (Nu Jazzy Smooth Mix)
    77. Five Seasons - Floating Spell
    78. Ultraviolence - Movin Like This - West Coast Mix
    79. Richard Bonnee - Green Valley (Piemont Chillout Mix)
    80. 351 Lake Shore Drive - June Desire
    81. Sofa Groovers - Voyageur - French mix
    82. For Found Future - Wide Emotions (Floating String Chillout Mix)
    83. Blue Lagoona - Follow Me
    84. Project Blue Sun - Another Chance
    85. Oliver Schlolaut - This Is My Dream (By My Side Vocal Mix)
    86. Corrado Saija - Settembre
    87. Soleil Loungers - Pretend Your Mind Tonight - Violin Lounge Mix
    88. Lebensart - My Forest Time (Mystic Gregorian Voice Mix)
    89. Leonard Sign - L'eau Bleue
    90. Jean Mare - Give Me Your Love (Deep Electronic Vocal Chill Mix)
    91. Bernon - Don't Worry (Wellness for Your Soul Mix)
    92. Artenovum - Zeitlos (Mystic Voice Mix)
    93. Buddhatronic - Granular Dreams (Send Me an Angel Mix)
    94. Dave Jerome - The Future Is Love
    95. Dave Neville - Funny Sky (Cosmic Space Mix)
    96. Artenovum - Take a Breath (Vocal Downbeat Mix) [feat. Brian Sonneman] (Vocal Downbeat Mix)
    97. Artenovum - Northern Lights (Chillout Dream Cut)
    98. Jean Mare - Good Girls Heart (Chillout Mix)
    99. Dave Neville - Focus (Deep Electronic Groove Mix)
    100. Buddhatronic - World of Grace (Mystic Voice Mix)

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    Категория: Музыка | Просмотров: 273 | Добавил: trigall | Теги: Longe, ReLaX, Chillout, VA-Album | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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